Sunday, October 13, 2013

Wonderfully Wicked Readathon

Apparently I am a sucker for Readathons. I think this is partly because I am still feeling like crap so I am honestly not doing much but reading (and surprisingly enough blogging) because as is obvious from this blog I do not do much of that. The Wonderfully Wicked Readathon is hosted by My Shelf Confessions and is a week-long readathon.

I figure I might as well make good use of the fact that I am reading and keep up the momentum by giving myself motivation to blog about it. Who knows maybe this will become a Real Book Blog and by that I mean one with actual updates! Oh and reviews.

So my goals for this are to finish the following books that I am in the process of reading:

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking - Susan Cain
The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption - Kathryn Joyce
Journal 1942-1944 - Hélène Berr
My Notorious Life - Kate Manning
If You Lived Here You'd Be Perfect By Now: The Unofficial Guide to Sweet Valley High - Robin Hardwick
Visit Sunny Chernobyl - Andrew Blackwell

So yes I read a lot of books at once. I like to read and eat and sometimes the books I am reading are not suitable for eating and reading.

I also need to read The Diviners by Libba Bray for my book club.

Plus anything from that pile of books that I did not get to in the 24 Hour Readathon.


  1. Good luck!! There's still a ton of time left for WWRaT, so you're not far behind ;)

  2. I hope that the reading is going well. I sign up for the readathons to keep me reading.
