Sunday, October 13, 2013

End of Event Survey

I actually woke up at 7:45am and my first thought was "oh the Readathon is still going on." However since I woke up to walk the dog I didn't actually read anything.

Anyway the questions

1) Which hour was most daunting to you?
I think the first ones yesterday because I felt like I was slow getting started. This was not a year I felt I could stay up for 24 hours so I didn't get the middle of the night "sleep or die" thing I have gotten in the past.

2) Could you list a few high interest books that you think could keep a reader engaged?
It depends on your interests but a lot of middle grade fiction is short and with big enough print that it doesn't take very long to read.

3) Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the Readathon next year?
Well I would like to not be sick but I suspect that is not the kind of thing that the organizers can change! Seriously it was great though.

4) What do you think worked well in this year's Readathon?
I like that you can be as social or as unsocial as you want. So Twitter and the mini-challenges.

5) How many books did you read?
Seven - mostly the sad part of this is that I still have piles of unread books. I also started two I haven't finished.

6) What were the names of the books you read?
Whistle in the Dark - Susan Long Hill
The Hidden Summer- Gin Phillips
The Last First Day - Carrie Brown
Genie Wishes - Elisabeth Dahl
Headhunters at my Doorstep: A Treasure Island Ghost Story - J Maarten Troost
Doll Bones - Holly Black
To All My Fans, With Love Sylvie - Ellen Conford

7) Which book did you enjoy most?
Doll Bones - Holly Black

8) Which did you enjoy least?
Honestly? The Ellen Conford one. Maybe I should have read it as a child but I kept wanting to shake Sylvie and all the men in her life. Which is of course the one I was looking forward to most.

9) I was not a cheerleader but SO MUCH LOVE FOR YOU GUYS.

10) How likely would you be to participate in the Readathon again? What role would you take next time? 
I would definitely be a reader again. I might consider cheerleading because I get warm fuzzies when people comment on the blog so I imagine others do to.


  1. Great job completing seven books. Hope too see you again next readathon!

  2. Thanks for being with us! You're a trooper! We'd love to have you on as a cheerleader. They are definitely helpful in spreading the warm fuzzies. :D --Andi
