Sunday, March 11, 2012

In My Mailbox (1)

First ever In My Mailbox! Well you have to start somewhere I guess!  I wasn't going to do one because I didn't think that I had gotten any even vaguely YA books this week then I remembered the Kindle books I bought. Thank goodness for sneaky Kindle purchases I guess. In My Mailbox is a weekly Meme hosted by Kristi at the Story Siren to show off the books you got this week.

So this week I bought:

Dead is the New Black - Marlene Perez.  Amazon
It was a Kindle Daily Deal but isn't anymore.
Girl in the Arena - Lise Haines Amazon
Still cheapish for the Kindle
The School with Chocolate Air - Jenifer Rubloff Amazon
I didn't win this on Library Thing but it looked so interesting I bought it.
All-of-a-Kind Family - Sydney Taylor Amazon
Okay so the last one does not count as YA nor is it even a recent book but it is wonderful. I loved it.

That's it for me for right now.